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Lovely Words

Feedback from clients

Vikki Thompson - Actress, Fundraising Consultant

"As a Meisner trained actor I find so many parallels between movement envisioning work and the Meisner technique. In both you start off with a very simple practice and then go deeper and deeper right into your tummy, with incredibly powerful results.

I've been going over the last couple of weeks and it has been wonderful for re-connecting me to my body, my emotions and my subconscious - all essential for me as an actor and writer.


The sessions are really inclusive, and the movement is as gentle or active as you want it to be. It's a non-linear practice and your own special experience."

Bailey Rose -  Actress, Writer, Chiropractor Assistant. 

“Leila’s class is a true treat ‘yo self kind of class. The safe space created and held by Leila allowed me to move through my grief and sadness- which maybe doesn’t feel like a treat but it is because I could turn off my brain and let my body work it out. And I slept so much better after class! Could not recommend enough- on top of it the music choices are stellar ”

Bailey Rose, actress, writer, chiropractor assistant, volunteer for the Globe Theatre.


Gosh, I feel joy this morning 🎉🌈  I am feeling this huge sense of today is going to be amazingly wonderful. Like something is going to happen for me that is something better for me. And I’m not sure, maybe it is a sense of joy. 🥰🎉🥳


[I have joyful anticipation of a wonderful day ahead of me. The joyful unknow, something amazingly wonderful. Also, I had vivid dreams and I believe I had a few insights while I was sleeping last night the only problem is I just can’t remember them this morning😂

Lizzie Woolfenden - Photographer, Poet, Midlife Midwife. 

Thank you for offering this, I so appreciated the class. It's amazing how deep you can go even on Zoom. I felt held in a very safe space. 

Marina Tolnai- Dancer, Dance Instructor, Artist.  

''I have known Leila for many years and interestingly dance connected us for the first time. She became one of the first people in my life who truly celebrated and encouraged for me to embrace my authentic "wiring" as she calls it and right up until today so often gently reminds me how it's not only okay but wonderful to be sensitive and soft and interesting.

She truly cares. She is so insightful and flexible in her approach.

I was surprised at how impactful this practise played out to be. I've tried to do movement therapy on my own, but sometimes you need someone to advocate, to encourage you to move a little differently.

It was very intense & deep...

This session made me feel versatile & powerful & reminds me of how much I am able to hold and feel and that is true strength in my eyes.

Thank you Leila for the love & support that you gave....💜✨️''

Morag Leiper - Soul Whisperer, Visionary. Catalyst. Mom.

"Amazing brilliant session loved it lots of shifts...You're amazing.


During Leila's class I felt huge waves of grief, fear, pain, loss - & also waves of love & awareness of "birthing'' potentiality. 

All the different stages we went through last night with Leila - grief lifting off, shedding skin, potentiality finding me ...


The feeling of my hips & pelvis unlocking & the twist in the fascia rippling through me with the waves releasing.... And the grief pouring out...And the flood of such deep joy!


Such deep acceptance of self & within that- the surrender to "doing the work without losing, or surrendering, or devaluing myself to fit another's perception or expectation...." - the fierce gentleness of that and the softening joy & surrender into that...

The curiosity & willingness to explore that joy by surrendering deeper, knowing that it's not a weakness....


A day later I found I was more balanced in my "bounce" at work - excited to be there without getting spacey from the excitement. I walked up a hill I would have struggled to walk up a year ago.

My hips and pelvis felt loose and strong.  I felt fearless about simply being me. And visible.  I spent time with someone I've thought of as a potential friend for a while but there's not been time to just catch up - we laughed loads & giggled.  And my joy just kept growing... I'm sitting now, waiting for Cubs activity to finish having had a child challenge my boundary to the point he nearly got put out the car.... He did see the dragon mom come out... And then helped me cook dinner, and apologized for his behaviour.... Boundaries..

I'm sitting here, watching clouds dapple the sky, and listening to the trees, simply aware of my loose hips, my vibrant heart, and the sense of joy rippling throu"

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